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By buying a $35 ticket to The Bee's Knees, you’re providing much-needed support to an inventive theatre company. But would you like to do even more to help Beacon Theatre serve underserved audiences with inspiring stories from history? We invite you to step up to sponsorship in several ways.

Become a Platinum Sponsor by underwriting all or part of this event. We’re putting together a great evening of food and fun for our patrons, and that costs some money. We’d love to put all of the evening’s proceeds toward our innovative programming in the next year. Could you help us by taking on a half-share of the evening’s cost?


Platinum Sponsorship (Half Share): $500 – this includes two tickets and a special shout-out in the evening’s festivities, program and on social media.

Become a Gold Sponsor by reserving a whole table and inviting your friends, neighbors, and coworkers. Each table has room for eight people. You’ll be sharing a good time with your friends . . . and introducing them to a theatre group they need to know. Or, if you’d like to make some of the seats available for actors and others who have worked with us – that works too!


Gold Sponsorship: $280 -- A table of eight will be reserved for you, and you’ll receive a special mention in our souvenir program and on social media.

Become a Silver Sponsor by buying a ticket for yourself and one for someone else. We’d love to invite some of the actors and technicians who have worked with us, and some friends who have helped arrange our school and community shows. Could you help us say thank-you by purchasing an extra ticket or two for them?


Silver Sponsorship: $75 – and we’ll make sure you get to meet a number of our theatre artists in the course of the evening.

Please feel free to contact us with any questions:


Even if you are not able to come to the event, you can still support us through sponsorship, or just click the link HERE to donate through PayPal.


Whatever level of sponsorship you choose; we thank you for your help.

You are truly a hero to Beacon Theatre.


Educate. Inspire. Challenge.

Support for Beacon Theatre Productions provided by the Philadelphia Cultural Fund.

PO Box 4026, Philadelphia, PA 19118 | (267) 415-6882


BTP is a 501c3 Non-Profit Organization

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